It's Not What it Looks Like
"there is a rumbling of growth taking place that is unseen but working, quietly without praise..."
There can't be new without the old. Seasons are God's picture of this. He causes the leaves to fall to make room for the new growth that is to come. For a time, though, there is an eerily quiet wintery season of bareness, vulnerability is exposed, but under the surface of that frailty that can sometimes look hopeless or painfully plain, there is a rumbling of growth happening. It might be invisible to us, but it is working, quietly without praise and without putting on a big impressive show until the time comes to manifest into plain sight all that was taking shape.
Yet we aren't left wondering if this will happen when we look up at the bare trees. We've seen it happen before. We rely on the experience of what has been the case year after year, season after season. We are both hopeful and expectant because of the old, and we get to celebrate right now both what was and what is to come, and where we are today.
There cannot be old without new. The old gives way to hope and the new gives way to beauty.
-Thoughts I'm Thinking this winter ;)